AGC's Satellite Solar Cell Cover Glass, EG-S1

  • Shielding Ultraviolet (UV)
  • Shielding Electron Beam
  • Variety of thickness and cutting design
  • Satellite Solar Cell
  • Optical Solar Reflectors
  • Resistance to UV & E-Beam


01/What Is Satellite Solar Cover Glass?

In recent years, space development by government agencies and private start-up companies in various countries has been expanding rapidly, and many satellites are being launched into space.

Satellites powered by solar cells require cover glass to protect those cells. The unique needs of solar cells in space make it essential that the glass be resistant to radiation, such as electron and proton beams, and have high UV shielding properties.

02/AGC's Satellite Solar Cell Cover Glass

AGC's satellite solar cover glass, or EG-S1, is a cutting-edge solution that can meet the demanding requirements of satellite solar panels.

EG-S1 has excellent UV-shielding properties and electron beam resistance, contributing to the high reliability and efficiency of space solar cells used in satellites and other applications, and supporting various space missions in the future.


AGC's EG-S1 is engineered to provide exceptional protection and performance for satellite solar panels. Let's dive deeper into its key features:

Shielding Ultraviolet (UV)

EG-S1 is formulated to shield solar cells from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This protection is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of solar panels, ensuring they perform optimally throughout their mission lifespan.

In space, solar panels are exposed to high levels of UV radiation, which can degrade the efficiency of solar cells over time. EG-S1's UV shielding capabilities help mitigate this degradation, ensuring satellite solar panels maintain their performance and reliability.

Shielding Electron Beam

In addition to UV radiation, EG-S1 shields against damaging electron beam radiation. This feature is essential for protecting solar cells from the effects of charged particles in space, which can cause degradation and malfunction.

These particles, which are emitted by the sun and cosmic rays, can penetrate solar panels and cause degradation of the cells over time. EG-S1's electron beam shielding capabilities help mitigate this degradation, ensuring that solar panels remain operational and efficient throughout their mission lifespan.

In addition, common glass is known to color itself by electron beams. This decrease in the transmittance of the cover glass reduces the efficiency of the solar cell. EG-S1, on the other hand, is able to suppress coloration even when exposed to electron beams, thus contributing to continuous high efficiency without affecting the efficiency of the solar cell.

Variety of thickness and cutting design

EG-S1 can be a wide range of thicknesses and cut to arbitrary shapes according to customer needs. Because of its customizability, the EG-S1 can meet the needs of various satellite projects.

It can also accommodate ultra-thin sheets as small as 0.1 mm, contributing to weight reduction and flexibility of solar cells.


The main applications of EG-S1 are listed below. Plus, we believe that EG-S1 can contribute to various space cover applications other than those. Please feel free to contact us if you are considering other uses of this satellite solar cell cover glass.

Satellite Solar Cell

One of the primary applications of EG-S1 is in satellite solar panels. These panels are essential for powering satellites in space, but they are exposed to high levels of radiation that can degrade their efficiency over time. EG-S1's UV and electron beam shielding capabilities help protect solar cells from this radiation, ensuring they remain efficient and reliable throughout the satellite's mission.

Optical Solar Reflectors

We believe that EG-S1 can contribute to optical solar reflectors, which are essential for spacecraft thermal management. These reflectors help regulate the temperature inside the spacecraft by reflecting excess heat away.

05/Technical Data

Resistance to UV & E-Beam

EG-S1 demonstrates exceptional resistance to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and electron beam irradiation, making it highly suitable for use in demanding environments such as space. The graph above illustrates the comparative performance of AGC EG-S1 and normal soda lime glass under these conditions.

AGC EG-S1 maintains its integrity and performance significantly better than normal soda lime glass after UV and electron beam irradiation exposure. This resilience ensures that solar panels protected by EG-S1 can withstand harsh space conditions and operate efficiently over extended periods.

Contact us!

AGC is a leading provider of innovative glass solutions focusing on high-performance materials for space applications. Our satellite solar cell cover glass, EG-S1, is specially designed for the demanding space exploration requirements, offering exceptional durability and performance.

To learn more about AGC's satellite solar cell cover glass, EG-S1, and how it can benefit your project, contact us today for more information.

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about AGC's EG-S1